Wednesday, 15 March 2017

OUGD602 - PPP - Craft Agency Meeting

After trying to apply to jobs through Craft, they contacted me letting me know that I was unable to apply for the position because I am still studying but asked if I would be interested in meeting with them as they liked my portfolio. I snapped up the opportunity and had the meeting this morning.

It was so helpful, they went through my portfolio and told me how to order it and what to say with each piece of work. Also we discussed what sort of studio I would like to work for and they suggested some that I could email. Generally they just had loads of really useful feedback and advice about networking and applying for jobs.

I will definitely keep in contact with the guys at Craft because they have helped me so much in clarifying what I want to do and how to achieve it.

As a result of this interview I have been asked if I want to participate in a blog post that Craft are creating called "Best Design Grads of the North" where they are picking some of the best portfolios of graduates in Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield to show case on their website. I jumped at the opportunity to participate in this and have answered some questions and sent over photos.

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