Saturday, 1 April 2017

OUGD603 - Unpackaged Research Brief - Logo Exploration

After brainstorming names and looking at some similar brands and products logos I decided to do some sketches. I started by sketching the three names that I couldn't decide between - Terra, zero and clear.

After sketching lots of ideas trying to find a mix between organic and contemporary with the name Terra I came to a loss. Though the name connotes nature and the planet I don't think it necessarily relates to the anti packaging store. Also playing around with the name Clear it started to look more like a cosmetics brand than a store brand. I realised at this stage which of the names worked better - Zero made more sense in both its name and seemed easier to interpret visually. So I decided to only take this forward to digital development. 

I started out with the simpler idea of using a leaf in the aperture of the o. I feel like this doesn't work as it kind of looks like a flame or a water droplet rather than a leaf. Even when I tried changing the scale and rotating it, it still doesn't feel right.

Next I tried a more utilitarian typeface, similar to that which would be used on receipts, perhaps highlighting the excess waste of other stores. In this typeface it crosses through the zeros, so I decided to take this visual cue across to the o as well. Though I do like this typeface and concept I feel that it is almost too simple as it is as a logotype.

So I took the same typeface and tried to frame and capitalise it for more impact. I really like this because it makes it look like a stamp that might be used on bulk orders or sacks of produce. This represents the bulk nature of the store.

I tried this stamp idea in another typeface, one that is a stencil serif, after looking at what the stamps on hessian sacks actually looked like and this fit a lot better. To develop this further I think I might play around with textures or even try and carve it out of lino to get the proper stamped effect. 

Next I played with the idea of using the zero itself as the logo to create more of a logo than a logotype. On its own it doesn't really look like anything, I'm not sure whether it translates the name or the idea behind the store visually at all. 

However I pursued it and tried making it more decorative and three dimensional. I do really like the idea of a more decorative logo like this however once again I'm not sure whether it is bringing across the message I am trying to tell. I suppose the strikethrough suggests that something is being 'cut out'.

After playing I decided to move forward with the stencil typeface and having looked at the hessian sacks I developed it further. I tried adding some texture digitally and also framed it in a box similar to the important parts of information on the sacks. I will have another experiment around with textures and try to make it traditionally to give it that extra bit of authenticity. 

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