Saturday, 10 December 2016

OUGD601 - CoP - Synthesis between written and practical

For the practical side of this research project, it was decided to explore one of the biggest issues within food packaging waste: convenience food. Convenience foods such as pre-packed lunches use packaging that is designed to be thrown away immediately after the product is eaten, and not always in a responsible manner. It is necessary to find a much more sustainable solution to this issue where the consumer will be made aware of this waste problem. Looking at pre-packed lunches first, research was done into the current market and what materials are used. It was found that most of the products used a mixture of paper and plastics, which was found to be unsustainable in its current form.

After some more research into sustainable packaging solutions that have been tried and tested, it was decided to go for a simple material option that would be more affordable and environmentally friendly, than some of the more innovative solutions. As found previously, plastic was a bad choice in the eyes of Papanek(1971 & 1995), Wallace (2016) and Miller and Alrdridge (2012) due to its unsustainability. It was for this reason that a seeded paper was chosen - the material is created from recycled, unbleached papers with natural seeds embedded into the paper. The paper may be planted and watered, plants will sprout out of it, creating new life. Also, if the paper was to be thrown away and taken to landfill, consumers could have peace of mind that it would indeed biodegrade fully and furthermore any paper thoughtlessly disposed of has a chance of growing a plant (this could include poppies, lavender etc.). As it was found that much of the waste from lunches is disposed of on roadsides, this would be a big environmental bonus.

For the product and brand itself, it was felt that something that was as eco-conscious as it’s packaging would be appropriate, and so it was decided to create vegetarian and vegan sandwiches, that were healthy for the consumer as well as the environment. As a basis for the consumer research, the Innocent smoothies brand was used to understand what tone of voice and target audience should be used. It was evident that the product would benefit from a specific target audience in order to succeed, and because of the fun element of the packaging, parents and their children were chosen. The product can educate both parent and child about waste as well as giving a fun activity for them to do together, when planting their packaging. Not only is the packaging more responsible but also it is hoped it will raise awareness for the growing waste problem and the environment. The main aim is to kick-start the change in lifestyle that is needed in order for the climate to get better and hopefully encourage consumers to be more responsible about their packaging use. Papanek (1971 & 1995) would support this idea, as it will instil these values of eco-consciousness and responsibility onto the next generation, who is our future.

The brand is called ‘Sprout’ as it represents the act of the plants growing out of the packaging and it can also be used as a word to describe young children. This playful name also lends itself to an environmentally friendly outlook, to give the impression of greenery and nature. It is a high-end lunch product that would be marketed at eco-conscious and health conscious parents. The stores that it would be sold in would be places like Waitrose, Marks and Spencer’s and perhaps independent retailers.

However, because the packaging was chosen to be made out of paper, it means that when biodegrading it will release methane, one of the leading greenhouse gases (Miller & Aldridge 2012 pg.27). So while it my not be the best material there is hope that the plants grown from the paper will tackle this as they absorb greenhouse gases through photosynthesis and release oxygen. Also the packaging could be argued to follow the cradle-to-grave model as it is after all designed to be thrown away, however it does not use virgin materials and offers some respite from the waste issue by biodegrading quickly and easily.

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