Saturday, 12 November 2016

OUGD603 - Penguin - Adrian Mole Initial Designs

Even though there isn’t actually a description of Adrian Mole himself in the books I thought that I could do a typographic representation of a portrait of him. I could go off the TV adaptation of the character that does have glasses making it more distinct as the character a lot of people know and love.

I had an idea to recreate a messy bed as I feel this is often what is most associated with teenagers - a messy room. I plan to develop this design further by adding objects onto the bed that are relevant to the book and the time era that it was written in. I do like this composition however I do feel the type is a bit lacking, it needs to stand out more against the bed background. 

I played on the idea of creating an actual diary cover for the book. But I do think that this might not be that successful as I feel it would be a common design amongst the entries. Although I do really like the use of the hand rendered type here, it makes it lot more personal as if Adrian had written it himself.  

I tried paper cutting a design similar to my first idea of using his glasses and hair. I liked the simplicity of this design, however I am not sure about the use of typography. When I asked for feedback for this design they said that it looked too much like Harry Potter rather than Adrian Mole because of the messy hair and glasses. 

I also had this idea to create the type out of spot cream, because this is what I associate with teenage angst. I found a spot cream that was used in the 1980s and recreated it digitally. The main problem was when it came to the type however, I couldn't seem to get it to look 3D and when it looked 3D is was a bit illegible. I tried various types, drawing it out and using fonts but I don't think it works as well visually as I had hoped. 

If I had more time on this project I would try and actually create the type using some cream and then photographing it but I'm trying to complete the brief within 2 weeks. 

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