Monday, 10 October 2016

OUGD603 - Creative Networks - Poster Development

For the posters we wanted to use a really simple layout that would showcase the artist or speaker while creating a consistent theme throughout all of the posters for Creative Networks. 

Mike Mignola

We started with the Mike Mignola ideas by using almost a comic book cover style, with the imagery taking precedent within the design. The use of a monochrome colour palette also works really well here, giving the poster a real graphic impact. This style suits the context of Mike Mignola but I'm not sure whether it would suit any other speakers. 

So we moved onto a more linear layout, again letting the illustrations and imagery do most of the talking. I really like how the eye is drawn down the page with this poster. However there is not much information on the event, but this would pique interest. 

After realising that we should include a bit more text and information on the posters we created a layout that including more focus on the type hierarchy. So the most important bits would be read and understood first - who is speaking and when. This layout actually works really well, however I'm not sure about the block of text at the bottom, perhaps it needs to be split up a bit. 

We finalised this layout, moving all the important information to be central as well as making the logos a bit smaller to give more space for the text. We also refined our type choice in this design, keeping it to two different fonts: Avenir and Garamond to streamline the design. We were really lucky with Mike Mignola that there was so much imagery that we could use. We might struggle using a monotone design with the next speaker but we will see.

Wes Anderson

For our "fictional" speaker we chose Wes Anderson because both me and Laura really appreciate his work and because its supported by LIFF it's quite relevant. We chose a pink backdrop because of his most recent film: The Grand Budapest Hotel, which featured lots of soft pink tones. As I had thought we struggled finding imagery with this design. I tried halftoning Wes Anderson himself and using that as the central image but it just didn't work as a monotone image. 

So instead we tried to find imagery that represented his films. Again based off his most recent film, The Grand Budapest Hotel, we chose the brand of sweets that is sold within the hotel and involves the main characters. This imagery creates a nice centerpiece as well as intriguing viewers. I think that this shows that our layout is really versatile and can work for any speaker. 

Previous Speakers

For the Previous Speakers poster we decided to stick to the same layout to make the designs more cohesive. Again using a coloured back drop and white design we put the names into a path of the logo. So that all of the previous speakers are contained within the logo. I'm not sure whether this reads clearly but I think it works really well visually. 

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