In this module I feel like I have learnt a lot. Not only about my chosen subject matter but also about how important time management can be. I found that reading and researching well in advance really helped me with being organised within this module as it meant I could spend more time writing as I had completed some of the research already. In the written part of this dissertation I felt that I have greatly improved my writing and analytical skills which I will try to take through to use in other modules writing on my blog and design boards. However I did often struggle with getting thoughts down on paper and as a result I believe my essay is shorter than it should be. Although I feel that it does successfully answer my question.
For the practical side of this module I feel I could have given myself a bit more time. Though I do feel that I managed my time well through out I wish I could have achieved more. The resulting designs that I created I am quite proud and feel like the concept behind them is excellent. If I were to have more time on the project I would develop the brand of sprout further, perhaps creating a full campaign to raise awareness rather than just an info-graphic. Also if I had more time on this project I could have experimented more with different more innovative materials, where as I just chose an easy solution.
Also I think that the synthesis between the written essay and practical project merges together really well because it fulfils Coles (2003) definition of packaging as well as agreeing with other writers such as Papanek (1971, 1995) and Klein’s (2015) ideals of changing the consumers views and life style first rather than trying to tackle the big corporations head on. Though my proposed design solution is not perfect I believe it is a good start.
Overall, I am really proud of both outcomes of this module and hope that it provides a basis of my work to follow throughout the rest of this year. I would like to use my newfound passion for sustainability through as a thought for all my other designs.
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