Tuesday, 6 September 2016

OUGD603 - Brief Plans - Star Pack Awards

After developing packaging for my final brief last year I decided that I wanted this to be my focus for my final year. I really enjoy creating friendly and approachable food packaging solutions and I am even focusing my dissertation on packaging this year.

So I took a look at Star Pack's awards briefs from last year to get an idea for what kind of briefs they could present his year. The one that struck me was to create packaging using corrugated board. I really liked this brief because I thought that it would allow a lot of experimentation using the raw feel of corrugated board, creating quite a rustic feel to a product. 

Board of other materials? Try using corrugated!Sponsored by DS Smith PackagingEither: Using corrugated board, develop a piece of packaging as an alternative to any existing packaging made with other materials;
Or: Using corrugated board, design a non-packaging product, currently made from other materials, such as plastics, metals, wood or composites.
The Prize 1st prize £500, 2nd prize £250, 3rd prize £125
For this particular brief you would have to find a product to design the packaging around, making it a brief that could fit any situation.

 Winning Entries:

Looking at the winning entries I see that in most cases the actual design on the packaging wasn't commended that much. It is more about how effective the corrugated cardboard solution was. For the 1st place design (above) this was the judges comments "Interesting take on the use of corrugated, great attention to detail and finish to the board. Really good!"
So I think for the entries you have to have a specific target market to aim the packaging at as well as a lot of thought into how the product reacts with the packaging.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

OUGD603 - Fresher's Designs - Poster Development

For the Fresher’s events I decided there could be a pull out poster which could be printed using risograph. This would save money printing the guide for finishes. The poster would be double sided, one side would be designed as a sort of souvineer for the new students and the other would have all of the events on. To push sustainability I wanted to have this printed using a risograph printer with soy based inks which are far more environmentally friendly than normal inks. 

The design itself didn’t take me too long to refine. I started out with something quite simple but I felt that it was way too busy. The use of black in it too would mean an extra colour so I decided to strip it back to 2 colours. I played with the use of lines within the shapes and the confetti style arrangement until I found a composition I liked. After contacting multiple risograph studios asking for quotes we settled with Hato press. The colour palette of inks they had was limited and I couldn’t find a green the right shade, so instead I chose a flo red and teal ink for the poster. 

The final poster looked amazing printed, while on a thin stock the textures that the risograph created were gorgeous and gave a tactile quality to the print. The misalignment that comes with risograph only added to the playfulness of the design, like a happy accident.